Elevate Your Life & Career Today

Our Certification Program will teach you everything you need to know to become an extraordinary life coach through your own transformation. You will learn how to use the power of your mind to make your dreams become your reality. By transforming your life before your clients, you will have the knowledge to coach them on a deeper level through your experience. You will create so much confidence within yourself by evolving into a person you didn’t even know existed, and your personal transformation will become your professional resume. Which is what the LifeCoach Academy does best: Creates Incredible Life-Changing Results!!

Video on Certification Course

What Sets Us Apart From Other Schools?

"We transform our students first, so they can transform their clients!”

Imagine a map that showed you how to get from where you are now to where you dream to be. Imagine that this map showed you the clear steps for you to create the life you have always wanted. All in a very clear and simple way. This life-changing map is called "The Formula". It's the foundation of our program. Once you learn and apply "The Formula" to your life, there won’t be a problem you won’t know how to solve. Your life will dramatically change and there is nothing you won’t be able to create in your reality.


and so much more...

  • The Formula

    With this tool, you will be able to show your clients why their life is the way it is and how they can change it! The Formula is what sets us apart from other certification programs out there. It’s simple, effective and it never fails!!

  • How To Solve Any Problem

    Learning how to coach yourself is very important when it comes to solving whatever problems may arise. Through the Formula, you will learn how to coach yourself daily as well as teach this lifetime tool to your clients so they can create the life they have always wanted.

  • The Power of Asking Questions

    Questions are extremely powerful when coaching. You will learn all the right questions to ask your clients, which will help you get to the root cause of why they’re creating their current reality.


In addition to our live weekly training class, our program includes:

  • Private access to everything you need on your computer from our private LCA platform. This is where your weekly curriculum, written content, videos, quizzes, assignments and fun-sheets will be located. The Academy's platform is simple to use and all of the resources are easy to access and comprehend.

  • Each week, Caro or Christine, the Founders of LCA, will help you to manage your mind with daily life situations during your own private 30 minute coaching session.

  • The Academy's private platform where you can ask any questions that you have throughout the week when not in class. Caro or Christine will always get back to you with an answer. We take pride in our small group of students (8-10) so we can give as much individual attention as needed.

  • Coaching hours with your peers. You will partner with the other students in your class throughout the course to gain hours of coaching. Your peers will become a great community for you to practice in-between classes! This is in addition to your monthly coaching audios and weekly class practice.

  • Access to LCA Executive Business Course that teaches smart, effective content creation and online marketing. This powerful program will help you articulate your vision, make clear choices and take action.

The Keys to Our Power

Love and gratitude are the conducting threads to our program, because we know that mindfulness is where our power ultimately comes from. The LifeCoach Academy is the ONLY school that offers this kind of teaching in their Coach Certification Program.

Life Coach Curriculum Overview

Here's what you will learn:

    1. Welcome video from Christine

    2. How to use this course

    3. Certification Requirements for LCA

    4. LCA Six Month Calendar

    5. The Life Coaching Industry

    6. Training Call Tips

    7. Recommended Technology

    8. The Power of Questions

    1. The Formula Video

    2. Lesson 1 - The Formula Audio Version

    3. Lesson 1 - The Formula written content

    4. Lesson 1 - How to Use the Manifesting Formula

    5. End of Week Questions on The Formula

    6. Tips on The Formula and Coaching

    7. Weekly Assignment

    8. The Formula Worksheets

    1. Lesson 2 - The Power of Your Thoughts Video

    2. Lesson 2 - Thoughts Audio Version

    3. Lesson 2 - Thoughts

    4. Manifest Your Dreams Into Your Reality

    5. End of Week Questions on Thoughts

    6. Thoughts Worksheets

    7. Bridge and Ladder Thoughts

    1. Lesson 3 - Feelings Video

    2. Lesson 3 - Audio Version of Feelings

    3. Lesson 3 - Feelings

    4. Lesson 3 - Why Your Feelings are so Important

    5. Feelings Worksheets

    6. Feelings List

    7. Lesson 4 - Energy Video

    8. Lesson 4 - Energy Audio Version

    9. Lesson 4 - Energy

    10. End of Week Questions on Feelings and Energy

    11. Weekly Assignment for Feelings/Energy

    1. The Formula, Thoughts, Feelings & Energy

    1. Lesson 5 - Self - Coaching Video Part 1

    2. Lesson 5 - Self - Coaching Video Part 2

    3. Lesson 5 - Self - Coaching Audio

    4. Lesson 5 - How To Self-Coach Yourself

    5. Lesson 5 - How to use the Formula

    6. End of Week Questions on Self Coaching


    8. Tips on The Formula and Coaching

    9. Self-Coaching Examples

    10. Unintentional Formula to an Intentional Formula Worksheet

    11. Weekly Assignment for Self-Coaching

Next Class Starts in April

Executive Business Course

Press on the button below to see the course outline and the content you will have access to when you enroll in The Life Coach Certification Program.

Pricing Options

Make a one time payment or pay over 9 months with our payment plan.


  • Can I take this course even though I don’t want to certify as a life coach?

    ABSOLUTELY!!!! We have a lot of entrepreneurs, business leaders, as well as stay-at-home, empty nester parents and of course young adults joining the course! They’re not looking to become Certified Coaches necessarily; they’re looking for the formula to a happy life… They want to become better leaders, better parents, better at relationships, and better at being happy. They want to equip their kids with these tools to empower them to create their own happy future! There is seriously no limit to what you can do with this transformational course. Investing in yourself, investing in the formula to your happiness is just a no brainer to us. The world has had enough of feeling unhappy. Everyone and we mean EVERYONE, young and not so young, needs this course. There is no b.s. in our training. It's 100% effective. Save your spot in our next available class and start creating the life you have always wanted to live!

  • Why do you say becoming a Life Coach is the perfect career?

    Life coaching is the perfect career because you have the freedom and flexibility to create your own schedule, to work from home or anywhere around the world, to choose which clients you want to work with and to create the income that you want. It is not a regulated industry, so there is no limit to how you can help your clients. You can choose to be an entrepreneur and work for yourself or choose to work for the many organizations that are hiring life coaches right now. Plus, your own transformation is part of your work and it is your best testimonial that this work is truly life changing. This is just the beginning for this industry, there has never been a better time to become a life coach! The life coaching industry is taking over the mental health industry, in the next 3-5 years, everyone will have their own personal coach.

  • What's the difference between a Coach and a Therapist?

    This is a popular question we get asked A LOT. Coaches and therapists both provide counsel; but therapists help their clients work through and resolve past issues and traumas, whereas coaches work with clients on current obstacles and challenges. A coach’s main job is to help clients take results-oriented action to move from stuck in their lives to empowered and liberated. Another main difference is that coaches do not analyze, diagnose, or prescribe treatment, while therapists do.

  • What makes this program different than other coaching programs out there?

    Dual Life Coach & Spiritual Certificate: We’re one of the only schools that offer Spiritual and Life Coach training together in one comprehensive program. Taught by Professional Spiritual & Life Coaches: Experienced trainers that possess decades of professional coaching excellence to help fast track your path to success. A Vibrant & Global Community: Our heart-centered, passionate community that will support, stretch, and encourage you like you won’t find anywhere else. Unwavering Values: We dedicate our hearts to supporting Wellness, People, Openness, Empowerment, Integrity, Growth, Leadership, Talent, and Fun as we improve the happiness of humankind. We are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion and believe that every person has the ability to change the way we have. Hands-On Learning & Mentorship: We provide an abundance of hands-on practice as well as mentorship from our dedicated Empowerment Coaches, designed to give you personal support and increased confidence.

  • I've never coached someone before. Am I cut out for this program?

    We love beginners. You're in the right place. Our curriculum is designed to help everyone become a successful coach, no matter your previous experience. Besides, you will have the opportunity to coach your peers in class with your instructor and receive feedback to help you grow and sharpen your coaching skills. We don't just teach you information, we help you apply it and practice it as you go. You're going to love it.

Course Reviews

5 star rating

Life enhancing

Melissa Liebersohn

The LCA is a definite must if you either want to be a coach or just enhance your best self. I was apprehensive at first to sign up, I'm an introvert by nature and uncomfortable in group settings. I trusted that Caro and Christine would help me w...

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The LCA is a definite must if you either want to be a coach or just enhance your best self. I was apprehensive at first to sign up, I'm an introvert by nature and uncomfortable in group settings. I trusted that Caro and Christine would help me work through some personal situations and at the same time give me the necessary tools to become a certified life coach. I immediately became comfortable with the class and the support of Christine and Caro was utterly priceless. I thoroughly enjoyed being tested and having to come to realize that we are solely responsible for our happiness and that it's ok to "feel". They are amazing, talented, funny, smart and cool coaches, teachers and friends. I highly recommend this class. They provide all the tools and information necessary to enhance whatever it is you may be searching for. They're easy to talk to and highly energetic. If you're on the fence, take the class. It is absolutely life enhancing!!!!!

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5 star rating

Truly Life Changing - Lost to Found

Frank Davi

It is no understatement to say that this course’s content, designed and taught by Christine and Caro, founders of The Life Coach Academy was and is LIFE CHANGING! When I started the course, I was in a bad place in my head. Although I knew the b...

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It is no understatement to say that this course’s content, designed and taught by Christine and Caro, founders of The Life Coach Academy was and is LIFE CHANGING! When I started the course, I was in a bad place in my head. Although I knew the basics of mindset management - I was having a lot of trouble implementing a regular practice due to intense feelings of overwhelm and foreboding. Even the idea of "doing the work" on myself seemed to be more than I could bear, and just one more thing to pile onto my to-do list which I was currently buried under. But I took the time to learn to accept the discomfort I was feeling. I took the course one lesson at a time and slowly started seeing my thoughts change. I was able to “watch myself” and watch my thoughts at the same time. It was through Caro and Christine’s patience, as well as the support of my fellow students in the class, that the LCA’s lessons started to resonate. But it was at week 7 that it all clicked, and I had a massive breakthrough! It was like a light bulb switched on and I suddenly saw myself again! For the first time in years, I remembered how amazing and powerful I am. I couldn’t recommend this course enough! If you have dreams of being a professional Certified Life Coach, or if (like me) you want to work on bettering yourself, this beautifully taught course is the best and only first step you should consider.

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5 star rating

Is it really worth it....

Gabby Juncos

The short answer is: absolutely! I hear often the term "Life Changing" used so loosely. I can assure you that here it is true in the uppermost respect. Caro and Christine did an amazing job teaching us to become the watchers of our thoughts and ...

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The short answer is: absolutely! I hear often the term "Life Changing" used so loosely. I can assure you that here it is true in the uppermost respect. Caro and Christine did an amazing job teaching us to become the watchers of our thoughts and thus, empowering ourselves. Learning to be aware of your feelings and how they are truly generates. It took me decades to come to this inner peace, self confidence, gratefulness and so much more... I am so appreciative!

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5 star rating

The Best Coaching School

Mariola Santaliz

It has been an honor for me to have been certified by The LifeCoach Academy. I left the school so happy, secure and clear to start my new career. They give you all the tools and training to succeed with such a fun environment, and this program is ...

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It has been an honor for me to have been certified by The LifeCoach Academy. I left the school so happy, secure and clear to start my new career. They give you all the tools and training to succeed with such a fun environment, and this program is very affordable. The course is easy to understand so you can lead your clients easily and effortlessly. I learned many powerful things from this course, like learning to create what I want in my life through the Formula that is taught in class. But, my most powerful take away that will be with me for the rest of my life is that I transformed into someone that I love, and learned to let go of who I really wasn't. This has been without a doubt life changing and one of my best gifts in life. Thank you Christine and Caro for all the love and knowledge you have given me. xoxo Mariola Santaliz

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5 star rating

Life changing

Chelsea Havan

I am so happy I took the leap to enroll in this course. Caro and Christine are amazing coaches and even greater instructors. I took this course to better my leadership and management skills and it has actually been extremely transformative to my p...

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I am so happy I took the leap to enroll in this course. Caro and Christine are amazing coaches and even greater instructors. I took this course to better my leadership and management skills and it has actually been extremely transformative to my personal life as well. I highly recommend this course to anybody that is into self improvement and helping others around them.

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5 star rating

Best course ever

Deborah Koppelmann

As the program progressesed we were diving every week into deeper and substantial content. The life coach Academy has been a life changing program. I am already observing a major difference into my life and as the author Milan Kundera would ...

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As the program progressesed we were diving every week into deeper and substantial content. The life coach Academy has been a life changing program. I am already observing a major difference into my life and as the author Milan Kundera would write " feeling an unbearable lightness of being " I am very excited to be able to coach others to become the best version of themselves ...

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5 star rating

Invest in Yourself

Stefanie Oster

I didn’t know what to expect when i signed up to take the 6 month coaching course at The LifeCoach Academy. I knew I wanted to work on myself as well as look into starting a coaching career. I’m so happy that I took the leap and invested in myself...

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I didn’t know what to expect when i signed up to take the 6 month coaching course at The LifeCoach Academy. I knew I wanted to work on myself as well as look into starting a coaching career. I’m so happy that I took the leap and invested in myself. I learned so many things about myself. I’m so grateful for this program.

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